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Accessing the controller data

The controller contains a number of useful getters that allow you to access the current controller configuration, state, locale data and more.


Most getters are reactive, this means that if you access their values in reactive scope, you will be automatically subscribed to their updates. Learn more about reactivity in Vue →

Active configuration


Locale tag for the currently used locale can be accessed with locale property.

console.log(`Currently used locale is: "${controller.locale}"`)

// Output: Currently used locale is: "en-US"
console.log(`Currently used locale is: "${controller.locale}"`)

// Output: Currently used locale is: "en-US"

Additionally, you can see which locale is set as default with defaultLocale.

console.log(`Default locale is "${controller.defaultLocale}"`)

// Output: Default locale is "en-US"
console.log(`Default locale is "${controller.defaultLocale}"`)

// Output: Default locale is "en-US"

If you are building a language selector, you'll find availableLocales property helpful to find all of the locales that can be loaded by the controller.

const availableLocales = => {
  const displayName =
    locale.meta?.displayName ??
    new Intl.DisplayNames(controller.defaultLocale, { type: 'language' }).of(

  return `${locale.tag} (${displayName})`

console.log(`Currently available locales:\n  ${availableLocales.join('\n  ')}`)

// Output:
//   Currently available locales:
//     en-US (American English)
//     en-GB (British English)
//     uk (Ukrainian)
//     de (German)
const availableLocales = => {
  const displayName =
    locale.meta?.displayName ??
    new Intl.DisplayNames(controller.defaultLocale, { type: 'language' }).of(

  return `${locale.tag} (${displayName})`

console.log(`Currently available locales:\n  ${availableLocales.join('\n  ')}`)

// Output:
//   Currently available locales:
//     en-US (American English)
//     en-GB (British English)
//     uk (Ukrainian)
//     de (German)

Automation state

To check if automatic mode is turned on, you can check the automatic property.

if (controller.automatic) {
  console.log('Controller is managed automatically')
} else {
  console.log('Controller is managed by the user')

// Output: Controller is managed by the user
if (controller.automatic) {
  console.log('Controller is managed automatically')
} else {
  console.log('Controller is managed by the user')

// Output: Controller is managed by the user

Additionally, you can query which locale is preferred by the browser with preferredLocale. It will always return the tag for one of the defined locales that is preferred by the automatic sources. If no automatic sources exist or none of them can tell the preference, the default locale tag is returned.

console.log(`Navigator languages: ${navigator.languages.join(', ')}`)
console.log(`User prefers "${controller.preferredLocale}" locale`)

// Output:
//  Navigator languages: uk, de, en-GB, en-US
//  User prefers "uk" locale
console.log(`Navigator languages: ${navigator.languages.join(', ')}`)
console.log(`User prefers "${controller.preferredLocale}" locale`)

// Output:
//  Navigator languages: uk, de, en-GB, en-US
//  User prefers "uk" locale



The current IntlShape is accessible via intl property.

const inputNumber = 25_000
const result = controller.intl.formatNumber(inputNumber)
console.log(`Result of formatting ${inputNumber}: ${result}`)

// Output: Result of formatting 25000: 25,000
const inputNumber = 25_000
const result = controller.intl.formatNumber(inputNumber)
console.log(`Result of formatting ${inputNumber}: ${result}`)

// Output: Result of formatting 25000: 25,000

Format aliases

formats property contains always up-to-date object with formatting function from IntlShape.

const { formats: fmt, locale } = controller
const currentLocaleName = fmt.displayName(locale, { type: 'language' })
console.log(`Name of the current locale: ${currentLocaleName}`)

// Output: Name of the current locale: English (United States)
const { formats: fmt, locale } = controller
const currentLocaleName = fmt.displayName(locale, { type: 'language' })
console.log(`Name of the current locale: ${currentLocaleName}`)

// Output: Name of the current locale: English (United States)

Locale data


Messages for the current locale can be accessed with messages property. Similarly, messages for the default locale are available under defaultMessages property.

console.log(`AST for "greeting" message: ${controller.messages.greeting}`)

// Output:
//   AST for "greeting" message: [
//  	{ type: 0, value: 'Hello, ' },
//  	{ type: 1, value: 'name' },
//  	{ type: 0, value: '!' }
//   ]
console.log(`AST for "greeting" message: ${controller.messages.greeting}`)

// Output:
//   AST for "greeting" message: [
//  	{ type: 0, value: 'Hello, ' },
//  	{ type: 1, value: 'name' },
//  	{ type: 0, value: '!' }
//   ]


Resources loaded by localeload event handlers can be accessed with resources and defaultResources.

console.log(`A whole bunch of nothing: ${JSON.stringify(controller.resources)}`)

// Output: A whole bunch of nothing: {}
console.log(`A whole bunch of nothing: ${JSON.stringify(controller.resources)}`)

// Output: A whole bunch of nothing: {}

Controller readiness

To check if the controller has finished loading the locale, you can access the ready property. It will be true when the controller is ready. There's a separate method to asynchronously wait until it's loaded.

console.log(`Controller is ${controller.ready ? 'ready' : 'not ready yet'}`)

// Output: Controller is ready
console.log(`Controller is ${controller.ready ? 'ready' : 'not ready yet'}`)

// Output: Controller is ready

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